Sybase IQ

Today's organizations needs don't only apply to reporting, thereupon the BI solutions like Sybase IQ - even if designed for analytics at most - have to be comprehensive enough to support all other Business Intelligence areas. Sybase solution does it efficiently and - what also is important - cost effectively.

Truly efficient reporting is what every company requires and - simultaneously - what only few Business Intelligence solutions may ensure, in fact. However, reporting never is the only - there also are analytics, data warehousing, and many other needs which are more or less important to the organization. The problem is that Business Intelligence solutions have to be as comprehensive as possible, regardless of actual needs of the organization (they might quickly evolve in future, but the solution has to be already prepared for those changes). Sybase IQ then, even though is described as an analytics server, is a solution which works powerfully in threefold areas - Business Intelligence, analytics, and enterprise data warehousing.

Sybase IQ solution is made on flexible architecture based on columns. Thereupon, it supports virtually any OS and hardware configurations, ensuring efficient and affordable scalability at once. What's important, these capabilities aren't connected with high costs, everything remains on quite a reasonable level from the financial perspective. Price and cost-effectiveness, though, were the factors that have conditioned many of Sybase IQ solution's aspects. A lot of attention is therefore paid to the data compression algorithms so that they truly are as efficient as possible and allow to reduce the data storage needs by even up to 70 percent. Simultaneously, the administration costs could have been reduced - by up to 75 percent. Finally, quick deployment influence on the rate of investment indicator, making it higher than in case of numerous other solutions. However, everywhere money savings don't mean that the solution's performance is anyhow worsened. With even up to 100 times faster times to response than in case of traditional databases, Sybase ensures fast enough results for business queries. And it's architecture is well prepared for supporting even the heaviest ad hoc query usage followed with high numbers of users at the same time.

Sybase IQ and business challenges

Today's business conditions are more difficult than ever before, most because of the fact that the whole business has never been changing faster. Organizations, though, always need a time to react on the situation, introduce modifications, or just prepare for the future. The goal is then to accelerate this time, giving the organizations a chance to regain their values.

Sybase IQ is prepared for working with extremely high volumes of data, reaching petabytes of data to be analyzed at once. Some organizations which IT systems aren't efficient enough, decide on storing data from a few past months only, but that is not a good option. Sybase IQ allows to keep all data as long as it's needed, without any meaningful restrictions applying to data types, for instance. The fact is that about 80 percent of organization data is unstructured (e-mails, documents, video files, so on and so forth - these all are unstructured data), which is extremely difficult to use for analytics. Sybase therefore enables some special facilitations, allowing users to get enhanced insights by using these unstructured data to analysis too. Query complexity and decision velocity - these are another two areas which business demands are growing and growing. Sybase IQ provides performance enough for small, local organizations as well as the worldwide enterprises which - another difficulty - employ thousands of people. The consequence is that a lot of people - business users - may want to access data at the same time - that's else what Sybase IQ is well prepared for, what makes it quite a competitive player in the today's Business Intelligence market.

Sybase IQ resources: - here is the data sheet devoted to the newest - 15.3 - release of Sybase IQ. There is quite a comprehensive solution overview provided with a lot of attention paid to the features and benefits, each and every described and explained in an easy to understand way. What's worth mentioning is the fact that this source is appropriate for both, non-technical and IT advances groups of users. Even though it doesn't include too many details, it covers much more than just the very beginning. - here is the part of Sybase official website, devoted to Sybase IQ solution. What's annoying is the fact that there is no single place where all the information could be kept - it's spread all over the website, thereupon getting to what's been searched for may often be time consuming. Nonetheless, the part with resources definitely is worth interesting as there is a whole library of data sheets, white papers, reports, news, and case studies included. - if one doesn't especially want to read the white papers and other text information, he may - equally well - listen to one of Sybase specialists telling about the fundamentals of Sybase IQ. The video duration is only about three minutes, thereupon what one should NOT expect from it are numerous details, nonetheless it still is worth some attention.